" MAC and Xcode in Windows | SHOW TIME

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MAC and Xcode in Windows

-PC with an Intel/AMD-processor, at least 512mb ram, about 20gb free disk space and a Windows OS.
-VMware v7. You can download this from the following site: http://www.ifans.com/goto/http://downloads.vmware.com/d/. This software have to be purcased but you can download the trial

version for free. Ofcourse there are always tricks to get the full version work but you can use google for that.
-Iatkos V7 iso file. Again, use Google to search for this file. You can download it with torrents/usenet whatever .
Iphone SDK with Xcode. Download the SDK for Leopard (10.5.7), NOT Snow Leopard (10.6). Put it on a FAT32 formatted USB-device to transfer it to the mac

system. You can also choose to first install mac and then download it within mac.
-Some time and patience.

1) Install VMware v7. This shouldn't be a problem.

2) Make sure you've downloaded the Iatkos V7 .iso file, it should be around 3,6Gb. Put it in a place where it's easily founded back because you will need it


3) Start VMware and click File > New > Virtual Machine. Check Custom (Advanced) and click next -> click next -> Check "Installer disc image file (.iso)" and

browse to your Iaktos V7 .iso and click next -> check Other guest operation system, make sure the Version is FreeBSD and click next -> Give it a name, for

example Mac or MacOS and click next -> one processor and click next -> set the memory to 512 mb and click next (you can change this later) -> Use NAT and

click next -> Check SCSI Adapter: LSI Logic (recommend) and click next -> create a new virtual disk and click next -> Use IDE and click next -> Set the new

virtual disk size to 16gb or bigger, click next -> next -> finish. Your virtual computer is now complete and ready for use.

4) When you click finish, the Iatkos iso will load. Wait for the prompt to show up, click in the screen to direct input it and press F8. This will allow you

to set some boot commands. Type (without the ""): "-v busratio=7 cpus=1" and press ENTER. Wait for the installation screen to show.

5) When it's loaded, click on utilities in the top bar and then Disk Utility. Now it will examine the disks available. On the left you will see a disk.

Right-click it and click Erase. From the drop-down menu select Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and name your disk whatever you want, I used "Mac", then click

Erase. You new disk will appear at the left menu as part of the virtual disk. Close the disk utility by clicking on the red button in the left corner.

6) The installation will snow up again. Click next and accept the terms. Select the disk you just made and click continue. On the next screen, click on

customize, NOT on install (yet). A list of drivers will show up. Select the following drivers:

-> x86patches - kernel - voodoo 9.7.0
-> drivers - system - sata/ide - intel sata/ide (or if you have AMD, use amd sata/ide)
-> drivers - ps2 mouse/keyboard - voodoo ps2 driver

Then click done and install. Skip checking the disk as it's only a waste of time.

7) Get something to drink, go out or do whatever you want, this will take a little while...

8) When it's done, click restart. When it boots, click F8 and type "-v busratio=7 cpus=1" (if that doesn't work try "-v -f busratio=7 cpus=1", the -f command

didn't seem to work for me). It should boot now. You will have to configure your MAC in the first steps.

9) Go to the Iphone development center site or use your USB to install the Iphone SDK. This will also take a while...

10) Done? Congratulations! You now have a Mac in windows with the Iphone SDK installed! If you want a faster version, you can make a dual boot with Iaktos
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